NAWWA and Its Judeo-Christian Values

NAWWA | May 31 2018

Revised: July 2019

By definition "Judeo-Christian" is a term which groups Christianity and Judaism together either in reference to Christianity's derivation from Judaism, both religions' common use of the Bible, or due to perceived parallels or commonalities and shared values between the two religions [ref: Wikipedia, accessed July 2019]. And, the Judeo-Christian values are the values established by our Founding Fathers with the basis found in the Bible, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and other related documents.

Several listings of the Judeo-Christian values can be found on the Internet. Some of these values which the Founder considers to be representative of the guidelines in NAWWA consist of our sense of right and wrong; truth is sacred; human life is the first gift of God; our liberty is a gift from God; human creativity is also a gift of God; establish justice; and, courage. All of these values are included in one way or another in the writings set forth in

In the Article titled "NAWWA will provide Balance and Equilibrium", the Founder asks the reader if the imbalance in representation for White Americans is a reason why some whites act in a hypocritical manner or maintain double standards when dealing with racial issues. This is because the Founder has seen many white people act in such a manner in order to be "politically correct" rather than be truthful by abiding by their own convictions. But, why do you suppose these white people want to be politically correct? The Founder thinks they choose to be politically correct so they won t have to fear any reprisals that might cause them losses, examples of which could include a reduction in votes for a politician, or a decline in customers for a merchant, or even a loss of members in a religious congregation. The strategy of being politically correct might serve its purpose at the time of its use. But, in reality, a problem cannot really be solved until its root cause is determined and the findings are dealt with in an honest and unbiased manner. In any case, an example of one such problem involving racial issues is presented below.

The NAWWA website went live in September 2017. Since that date forward, the website has received very little attention. However, during this same period in time, the Founder tried to market NAWWA through two of the most renowned religious organizations in the United States. These religious organizations were the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN).

The reason for marketing NAWWA through the two religious organizations was because the principles of NAWWA are based upon Judeo-Christian values. And, according to the mediums of communication used by the aforesaid organizations, it was found that both supported and promoted the equality of rights and diversity for Blacks or African Americans among their congregations, which congregations also consisted of other racial categories of people.

As his strategy for marketing NAWWA, the Founder sent letters to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and CBN on February 8, 2018. The letters simply requested the religious organizations to support and promote NAWWA among their congregations. Such request seemed fair and reasonable when considering that both organizations had already done this for the Blacks or African Americans - so, why couldn't they do it for the White Americans too? A copy of the letter sent to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is as follows:

February 8, 2018

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
1 Billy Graham Parkway
Charlotte, NC 28201-0001

Attention: Billy Graham


After reading your leaflet entitled Billy Graham & RACIAL EQUALITY (see Attachment) in which it was stated that you publicly resisted racial segregation in your Chattanooga, TN, Crusade by tearing down the ropes which separated Black or African Americans from White Americans, it is anticipated that you will now help me in promoting the equality of rights and diversity of White Americans among all of the other racial categories of people as well.

I am in the process of starting a new nonprofit corporation for the purpose of maintaining the equality of rights (including both civil and human rights) and establishing diversity among all citizens of the United States. In summary, the nonprofit will help White Americans like:

LULAC does for the Hispanic population;
the NAACP does for Blacks or African Americans;
the NAAAP does for Asian Americans;
the NCAI does for Native Americans and Alaska Natives; and,
the NHOA and NHPI do for Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders.

At this juncture, it is important to emphasize that NAWWA is not a White Nationalist, Supremacist or alt-right movement. NAWWA will simply enable White Americans to obtain equal representation among all of the other races in America.

An Introduction which explains the reasons for forming the nonprofit together with a Mission Statement, Vision Statement, its Primary Objectives, and the Aims and Purposes for the organization have been reviewed by an attorney who said the documents are educational in nature and he does not see a problem with obtaining the state or federal 501(c)(3) registrations. All of the aforesaid documents are presented in as a start-up organization.

Therefore, after taking into account your previous actions to publicly resist the racial segregation of Blacks or African Americans and in order to achieve equality and diversity among all races in the United States which includes White Americans, it is anticipated that you will be supportive of and promote NAWWA to others.

Thank you,

Marvin Jones
Founder of NAWWA

Download PDF Version of Letter

Eventually, the Founder received a letter dated February 23, 2018 from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. But, this letter was basically a boilerplate publication regarding the death of Billy Graham, asking the Founder to accept Christ, and did not say anything about NAWWA. Shortly thereafter, the Founder received two more letters that were boilerplate publications. These letters again contained language asking the Founder to accept Christ and to also make a contribution. Thus, none of the letters received from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association contained an affirmative reply to the Founder's request for them to support and promote NAWWA.

A while later the Founder received a letter dated March 6, 2018 from CBN. This letter consisted of two pages which also contained language asking the Founder to accept Christ. However, in regards to the Founder's request, a one-line sentence was included in the letter which said that CBN was unfortunately unable to put the Founder's idea into action .

Because an affirmative reply was not received from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and CBN rejected the Founder's idea, the Founder sent follow-up letters to both of the religious organizations on April 5, 2018 in hopes that they would reconsider their positions. Only this time, because the Founder suspected that the subject matter comprising NAWWA was too politically sensitive for the religious organizations to deal with, he crafted the wording in the letters to remind the recipients of the similar help they had given to the Blacks or African Americans and encouraged them to not act in a hypocritical manner by ignoring NAWWA. A copy of the letter sent to CBN is as follows:

April 5, 2018

977 Centerville Turnpike
Virginia Beach, VA 23463

Attention: Pat Robertson


Based upon your replies to my letter of February 8, 2018, it is apparent that you completely missed my point (see Attachment).

It happens that I too, in furtherance to Billy Graham's previous actions and one of your TV shows that promoted the diversity of Blacks or African Americans among all of the other racial categories of people, am trying to resist racial segregation by tearing down the ropes which separate not only Black or African Americans, but all races, from White Americans. This is being undertaken by promoting the equality of rights and diversity of White Americans among all of the other racial categories of people in America. The guidelines for implementing this transformation are explained in the new nonprofit corporation that is hosted at as a start-up organization.

At this juncture, it is again important to emphasize that NAWWA is not a White Nationalist, White Supremacist, or alt-right movement. NAWWA will simply enable White Americans to obtain equal representation among all of the races in America. If you had really accessed the NAWWA website and read its material, then you would have understood this concept.

From a quote posted on twitter @White Motivation

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Whites loving and supporting our own race. We also have the right to unite together in positive groups like other races do in order to look out for our interests. We do not deserve to immediately be judged negatively for this right by people who have double standards.

Rather than being open-minded and accepting the above facts, it is obvious that your Christian ministries has chosen to ignore the formation of NAWWA - most probably because Anti-Whites have convinced you that only Whites are racist. This is evidenced by you sending me literature to accept Christ instead of you being supportive of and promoting NAWWA to others. Incidentally, if you had really accessed the NAWWA website and read its material, then you would have also seen that the principles of NAWWA are based on Judeo-Christian values.

Marvin Jones
Founder of NAWWA

Download PDF Version of Letter

Unfortunately, no positive feedback on the follow-up letters was ever received from either religious organization. This led the Founder to realize that even the most renowned religious organizations which claimed they support and promote the equality of rights and diversity among the different racial categories of people are really no different than any non-religious organization. In respects of their silence towards NAWWA, the Founder concluded that this was most probably because it would not be politically correct for the religious organizations to endorse an organization that was being formed for the welfare of White Americans. After all, it has been apparent for some time now that our society has been brain-washed into thinking that only the whites are racist which is far from the truth!

If the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and CBN had really accessed the NAWWA website and read its material, then they would have seen that the principles of NAWWA are based upon Judeo-Christian values. But, they completely missed this point as evidenced by them not submitting an affirmative reply to the Founder's request. And, if all of the other races would access the NAWWA website and read its material as well, they too could see that the same Judeo-Christian values are incorporated throughout the guidelines for NAWWA. Then, and only then, is when the viewers of the NAWWA website who choose to ignore the following Fact will realize that they are the ones who are the racists:

- Fact - Whites also have the right to form an organization, like the other races have done with their organizations, which will provide for the welfare of White Americans. And, the whites do not deserve to be judged negatively for this right by people who have double standards.

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