
According to Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, the U.S. Census officially recognizes six racial categories of people consisting of:

  • White Americans;
  • Blacks or African Americans;
  • Native Americans and Alaska Natives;
  • Asian Americans;
  • Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders; and
  • People of two or more races (i.e., mixed races).[1]

A category called "some other race" is also used in the census and other surveys, but is not official. In addition, it was recently learned that the White House is putting forward a proposal to add a new racial category for people of a Middle East and North Africa ethnic origin under what would be the biggest realignment of federal racial definitions in decades.[2] In any case, whites are still classified as the racial majority while blacks are the largest racial minority.

It was also found online that a U.S. Census Bureau report stated America is heading toward the day when whites will no longer make up the majority of the population and U.S. children will get there the soonest. Based upon this growth, more than half of the U.S. children are expected to be part of a minority race or ethnic group by 2020 putting Americans under the age of 18 at the front of a trend that will see the general population follow suit some 20 years later.[3]

According to another online source, the American-born white population will become less than 50% before 2040. Overall, there will be a white decline and minority gain for most of the projection period with the majority-minority tipping point date being 2044, meaning that by 2045 the white population will become the racial minority.[4] This is partly because the white U.S. population will grow more slowly over the next few decades due to declining fertility rates.

In the meantime, immigration rates will continue to rise as evidenced by the continuing illegal immigration from the Latin American countries and current influx of refugees from the Middle East. It was estimated that from 2015 to 2060 the country will lose 23 million U.S. born whites and gain 118 million racial and ethnic minorities and immigrants.[5]

Thus, racial and ethnic minorities are currently growing more rapidly in numbers than whites, particularly among Hispanics and blacks, because such increase is being fueled by the rise in immigration mentioned in the preceding paragraph as well as the higher rates of birth within the aforesaid racial categories of people. This should not be a surprise to anyone because for years Americans of Hispanic and black descent have stood poised to topple the demographic dominance historically held by whites.[6]

It was further found that for the first time in more than a century, the number of deaths now exceeds births among whites. This "natural decrease" occurred several years before the government's original projection, a sign of the decline in the white population.[7] Other findings which confirm the pending transition of whites from a majority to minority race include, but certainly are not limited to, the following statistics:

  • The minority U.S. population is projected to rise to 56% of the total in 2060, compared with 38% in 2014.[8]
  • By 2060, the nation's foreign-born population will reach nearly 19% of the total population, up from 13% in 2014.[9]
  • Between 2000 and 2010 there was a 32% increase of people who check more than one race in the census survey.[10]
  • The "two or more races" population is projected to be the fastest-growing over the next 46 years.[11]

The implications of this shift in demographics go far beyond skin tone arguably contributing to the increased racial tensions across America to date, especially post-Ferguson together with the Black Lives Matter civil rights movement and kneeling for the national anthem. A 2014 study by Northwestern University psychologists showed that the concern of becoming the racial minority actually made white people more socially conservative which prompted certain fear and loathing (or distrust).[12] The "fear" being the prospect of whites having to actually consider their race as not inhabiting the dominant position and the "distrust" for having to realize that they would live in a multi-racial world and will effectively become "othered" in census surveys by which both concerns support suspicion and perpetuate societal racial inequality.[13]

In closing, it is important to point out that the Census Bureau's data and other findings presented herein provides undeniable proof of the imminent social change whereby whites are becoming a minority race in America. What the whites do with that data and how the overall population reacts to this change in racial categories remains to be seen. Regardless of the outcome, the purpose of the National Association for the Welfare of White Americans (NAWWA) is to inform the whites of their pending transition from a majority to minority race and then help them overcome any adversity that they incur during and after the transition.


  1. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "Race and ethnicity in the United States", (accessed September 13, 2016).
  2. Gregory Korte, "White House wants to add new racial category" (msn | news: USA Today, entry posted October 1, 2016), (accessed October 1, 2016).
  3. Bill Chappel, "For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says", (Breaking News from NPR, March 4, 2015), (accessed September 13, 2016).
  4. Marcie Bianco, "The Year White People Will Become a Minority in America Has Been Declared", (Mic, December 11, 2014), (accessed September 13, 2016).
  5. Bianco, "The Year White People Will Become a Minority in America Has Been Declared" (accessed September 13, 2016).
  6. Eric Kayne, "Census: White majority in U.S. gone by 2043", (U.S. News | NBC News, June 13, 2013), (accessed September 13, 2016).
  7. Kayne, "Census: White majority in U.S. gone by 2043" (accessed September 13, 2016).
  8. Chappel, "For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says" (accessed September 13, 2016).
  9. Chappel, "For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says" (accessed September 13, 2016).
  10. Bianco, "The Year White People Will Become a Minority in America Has Been Declared" (accessed September 13, 2016).
  11. Chappel, "For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says" (accessed September 13, 2016).
  12. Bianco, "The Year White People Will Become a Minority in America Has Been Declared" (accessed September 13, 2016).
  13. Bianco, "The Year White People Will Become a Minority in America Has Been Declared" (accessed September 13, 2016).

Mission Statement

The mission of the National Association for the Welfare of White Americans is to foster a society in which all citizens of the United States have equal rights without discrimination based on race.

Vision Statement

The vision of the National Association for the Welfare of White Americans is to promote the equality of individual rights among all citizens of the United States so they will have the same political, educational, social, and economic opportunities according to their ability and the rule of law without race-based discrimination.

Primary Objectives

The primary objectives of the National Association for the Welfare of White Americans are threefold.

Objective 1

The first objective is to raise the awareness of White Americans about their pending transition from a majority to minority race.

Objective 2

The second objective is to develop and maintain guidelines that will enable White Americans to effectively deal with the race-based discrimination issues which they incur during their transition from a majority to minority race.

Objective 3

The third objective is to promote and defend the fundamental rights of White Americans after their transition from a majority to minority race so they will be able to pursue the same political, educational, social, and economic opportunities that are provided to all of the other racial categories of people in America.

Aims and Purposes

As a public charity organized within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, the aims and purposes of the National Association for the Welfare of White Americans (NAWWA) include, by way of example and not limitation, the following undertakings:

  • Support the enactment of federal, state, and local laws which enhance the civil rights of individuals in America.
  • Proclaim and advance the principles of NAWWA by using the various mediums of communication available to the public.
  • Maintain alignment between the civil rights guaranteed to individuals in America and the principles of NAWWA.
  • Use all available means to implement the ideology and guidelines of NAWWA.
  • Inform individuals in America about race-related issues through the various mediums of communication available to the public.
  • Report the adverse effects of racial discrimination and seek their resolution.
  • Propose the removal of factors that contribute to racial discrimination when discovered.
  • Encourage racial diversity in America within the public and private sectors of society.
  • Establish a program that promotes a cooperative relationship between NAWWA and other racial and ethnic organizations.
  • Promote the equality of human rights among all individuals in America so they will have the same economic and social opportunities according to their ability and the rule of law.
  • Encourage the educational opportunities of individuals in America through the dissemination of information about scholarships, classes in education, and training programs.
  • Conduct a vigilance of administrative practices in the workplace which deprive individuals in America of social, economic, and employment opportunities.

In concluding, NAWWA will help White Americans like LULAC does for the Hispanic population; the NAACP does for Blacks or African Americans; the NAAAP does for Asian Americans; the NCAI does for Native Americans and Alaska Natives; and, the NHOA and NHPI do for Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders. It should also be noted that there are no named-organizations for helping People of two more races (i.e., mixed races) most probably because they comprise such a small percentage of the U.S. population (i.e., approximately 3%).