NAWWA and the Most Terrifying Words

NAWWA | Aug 06 2021

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are:

"I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help."

- 1986 statement made by President Ronald Reagan

The following is a true story:

At first, I was very conservative and low key about certain things that involved me. But not any more! This is because as a 76 year old, retired and disabled, white male, I have been retaliated and discriminated against by the City of Houston's Homeowner Assistance Program (HoAP) and its cohort the Texas General Land Office (GLO).

In summarizing my situation, my house, vehicles, and personal possessions were all flooded during Hurricane Harvey. Being retired and living on a very limited income, my wife and I didn't have any other choice but to obtain a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan to rebuild our house. (Little did I know the SBA loan would later be used against us.) After moving back into our rebuilt house, I learned the City of Houston was being given money by the Federal government to reimburse flood victims for the "out-of-pocket" expenses they paid to rebuild their houses. In February 2019 we applied through the HoAP for reimbursement of such expenses that were not a part of our SBA loan. But over 2 years and 3 appeals later we were denied reimbursement. We received absolutely nothing!

All evidence which verifies the allegations of retaliation and discrimination against me by the HoAP and Texas GLO has been very well documented and is listed in the following TABLE:

Reference Documents

Note: To obtain a better understanding of the subject matter in the Reference Document you select, it is suggested that you also read the Document listed before it.

Time Line of all events with HoAP and Texas GLO


Supporting Documentation to Time Line


Application Packet HoAP-372-86 for Reimbursement

(Listed only as a Reference Document)


Denial letter to Application Packet for Reimbursement


1st Appeal and Complaint letter


1st Denial letter


2nd Appeal and Complaint letter


2nd Denial letter


3rd Appeal and Complaint letter


Enclosure #1 to Item 8


Enclosure #2 to Item 8


Enclosure #3 to Item 8


3rd Denial letter


My Complaint letter against HoAP and Texas GLO dated 04/28/21


4th Denial letter from Texas GLO dated 05/13/21


Rebuttal letter to Texas GLO dated 05/18/21


DOB Reconciliation Worksheet to Item 12


3rd letter about Flood Control to Item 12


Response letter from Office of Attorney General of Texas dated 05/27/21

Documentation of an interest to the reader can be viewed by accessing the URL address that is provided below the title of the document. Based upon all the negative things that had happened to me during my earlier recovery efforts, I expected from the very beginning that I might be "disadvantaged" by the HoAP and (later) Texas GLO. That's why I took great care in documenting everything.

Some of the most damning evidence about my allegations is set forth in my Rebuttal letter to Texas GLO dated 05/18/21 (per Item 12 in TABLE). Please read this letter!

Another significant piece of evidence is included in My Complaint letter against HoAP and Texas GLO dated 04/28/21 (per Item 10 in TABLE). And, of course, all of the other documentation further proves the government was certainly not here to help me!

To be retaliated and discriminated against can happen to anyone. And, I want to prevent this very thing from happening to other White Americans as well as any other race. One of the guiding principles of NAWWA is to provide equality and justice for "all" (meaning everyone). As such, this is another reason why I have written and am posting this Article on the NAWWA website.

Furthermore, for those of you who are tired of being politically correct rather than being honest and standing up for your rights when dealing with certain social issues, or tired of letting some radical movement or other sham unjustly criticize you and control your way of life, or tired of giving in to others who are trying to change our history or rewrite the constitution to suit their own preferences, or whatever else, then you should be interested in learning more about the new nonprofit organization that is being formed to protect you and your loved ones from being retaliated and discriminated against - an organization like

Believe me ... what has happened, and is still happening, to me is going to happen to you! It's just a matter of time. If you don't believe me, just look at how aggressive, selfish, and inconsiderate many people in our society have become. Then look at how many civic and governmental agencies that were put in place to help disaster victims are now becoming more infiltrated with incompetent and unethical individuals. This being the case, the only people who are benefitting from this arrangement would be the friends and relatives of the managers and directors of the agencies. My situation with the HoAP and Texas GLO provides a good example of this and an audit would prove it.

However, keep in mind that the purpose of NAWWA is not intended for helping just White Americans. It is also intended that NAWWA will serve everyone's interest in a proactive way by collaborating with the other races to resolve issues which involve the White Americans. This is something that many of the politicians, religious leaders, professional athletes and other celebrities say is needed but, to date, very little has been done by any of them to accomplish it. An example of just one way on how NAWWA can contribute to this effort is explained in the Article titled NAWWA will Help Eradicate Racism.

To produce a list of all the improvements and benefits that NAWWA will provide to the White Americans as well as the other races would be an endless task. But one thing is for certain and that is the prevention of retaliation and discrimination against anyone would be at the top of the list. Such is the case with NAWWA because, as previously mentioned, this very concern is one of its guiding principles. With this in mind, talk is cheap while actions speak louder than words. Therefore, if you really want to protect others while ensuring the welfare of yourself and your loved ones, then it is suggested that you give NAWWA some serious consideration. Otherwise, if you sit back and do nothing, then you can expect the same things will happen to you that have happened to me!

Thank you and God bless,

Founder of NAWWA

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