NAWWA and the BLM Strategy for Marxism
NAWWA | Dec 16 2020
At the time of this writing, the Founder of NAWWA ("Founder") had prepared and submitted three op-eds about the BLM movement to numerous news sources. This included the op-ed set forth below with the other two op-eds presented in the Articles titled NAWWA will Help Eradicate Racism and NAWWA and Wake Up America! So far, none of the news sources have incorporated the op-eds in their media products.
When again considering the attention the BLM movement generally receives from readers, the Founder thought it very unusual for the news sources to pass on publishing the op-eds. Initially, the Founder thought the news sources passed on the op-eds because it is forbidden for anyone to say anything that could be considered disapproving of BLM or the BLM movement. And, if the truth about the BLM movement were revealed, then perhaps the news source that reported it would be called racist and, consequently, could lose some business or would be vandalized or even torched.
But now, the Founder is thinking the news sources might be passing on publishing the op-eds because they are in agreement with the BLM movement. If so, this means the news sources would be condoning the aggressive and, frequently, violent protests together with the demands for the "other" not-related-to-black-liberation changes. This would also mean the news sources are agreeing with the BLM movement's efforts in changing America into a communist state.
Regardless of the reasons mentioned above, the Founder would still like to know the readers' opinion on this matter. In the meantime, the full and unaltered version of the op-ed is presented below.
The BLM Strategy for Marxism
By now everyone knows the BLM movement is not about saving black lives. Instead, the BLM movement is about advocating Marxism and ultimately transforming America into a communist state.
Also, by now everyone should be aware of the strategy used by the BLM movement for promoting Marxism. For those readers who don't know, the strategy consists of two parts. The first part involves the way in which the demands are being made by "the mob" with their aggressive and, frequently, violent protests. And, the second part involves the demands themselves which consists of making "other" changes considered to be related to Black liberation rather than on just the racism associated with police brutality.
Moreover, in order for the BLM movement's strategy to work with little or no resistance, it is being implemented under the BLM facade of saving black lives. This is intended to get sympathy for the Blacks while simultaneously making all the other races feel uncomfortable or guilty if they don't agree with the strategy. In reality, it is nothing more than another deceitful tactic that the BLM movement is using to advance Marxism.
Regardless of what the readers think about the above-described strategy, it has been working for the BLM movement as evidenced by the removal or destruction of statues, flags, and other things related to slavery and the Confederacy, all of which have nothing to do with saving black lives. Everything ranging from the aggression of the protests and demands for making the other changes to the results of the strategy have been more fully explained and verified in various online and print publications. Other disturbing facts about the strategy and tactics used by the BLM movement can be obtained by accessing the Wikipedia online article titled Black Lives Matter [ref:].
In repeating what has been stated in another article regarding this same subject matter, the most alarming thing about this whole mess is to see the number of people who have jumped on the band-wagon to support the BLM movement, a movement they obviously don't know anything about? And, it's even more alarming to find the same people, who include both Blacks and Whites, have been dumbed-down so much as to join a movement that will lead them into communism which, ironically, is another form of slavery in itself.
Also, in order to avoid any misunderstanding with respect to the racial aspects of this article, the push-back on the BLM movement is not intended to prevent the Blacks from obtaining relief from the injustices and oppression they have suffered now and in the past. Rather, this article is intended to make "all" Americans, regardless of their race or ethnicity, aware of the fact that the BLM movement is promoting a communist takeover of our great nation and, consequently, what will happen to the American citizens if the United States is transformed into a communist state.