NAWWA and the Black Lives Matter Movement
NAWWA | Jul 27 2020
When the Founder of NAWWA ("Founder") was writing the Article titled NAWWA and the Protests Are Not About Black Lives he thought there must be something else to the nationwide unrest and, more specifically, to the Black Lives Matter "movement" name that wasn't being reported. This is because the Founder noticed the protests were being carried out in a more aggressive manner and were focused on "other" racial issues rather than on just the racism associated with police brutality which is what the simple Black Lives Matter name was originally about. Therefore, the Founder conducted a brief online search for certain information about the Black Lives Matter "movement" name in order to complete the Article.
After completing the above-titled Article, the Founder continued researching the Black Lives Matter "movement" name to see what effect its ideology and guidelines had on the protests. A summary of his findings is as follows:
Black Lives Matter is hereinafter referred to "BLM".
What BLM is about can be found on their website at
Additional information such as the history, organizational structure, and activities of BLM can be found on Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, at
A large portion of the information presented below was obtained from the websites mentioned above. If additional information is needed, the readers are encouraged to access the same websites or any other source of information available to them.
All information presented in bold-font identifies the BLM principles and strategies that could support the conspiracy theory mentioned in NAWWA and the Protests Are Not About Black Lives.
As stated in NAWWA and the Protests Are Not About Black Lives, please keep in mind that the Founder is not a psychologist or sociologist or political scientist or any other kind of professional who is well-versed in these matters. But, because he recognizes that something is wrong about the protests, he wants to find out what it is and report it accordingly.
About BLM
To begin with, there is no BLM "movement" name per se. The news media is simply showing the "movement" word more frequently after BLM to indicate the occurrence of a BLM act such as a protest. Also, the "movement" word is sometimes capitalized and/or used separately to announce other BLM occurrences like a development or change.
BLM is an organized social movement. Its purpose is to advocate and protest racial discrimination against Blacks.
BLM exists as a decentralized network with about 16 chapters in the U.S. and Canada. The broader movement of BLM and its related organizations typically advocate against police violence towards Blacks as well as for various "other" policy changes considered to be related to Black liberation. (Note: An example of BLM's "other" policy changes is presented in NAWWA and the Protests Are Not About Black Lives where "the mob" is making demands to change or eliminate everything related to slavery and the Confederacy.)
The BLM movement began in July 2013 with the use of hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media. Its decentralized network of activists has no formal hierarchy. The BLM leaders emphasize importance of local organizing over national leadership.
The Co-Founders of BLM and its hashtag Originators are Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi. The biographies of the three Co-Founders are somewhat similar in that they are all writers and activists. Some of them, most notably Alicia Garza, have more experience in issues involving health, rights for students and domestic workers, anti-racism, police brutality, and other similarly-related areas. Alicia Garza also Co-Founded the international BLM movement and is a "trained Marxist". Patrisse Cullors is also an advocate for prison abolition, LGBTQ activist, and a proclaimed "trained Marxist" [ref:]. Opal Tometi is also a strategist, community organizer, former Executive Director of the United States' first national immigrant rights organization for people of African descent, and goes along with the same philosophy of the two "trained Marxists".
Per definition by Google:
"Marxism" is the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the basis for the theory and practice of communism.
From the interview "We are Trained Marxists," says BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors [ref:] and the history about the rise of Mao Zedong, the Chinese communist revolutionary, anyone can see the similarities between the BLM movement and Mao's movement. Thus, the readers are strongly encouraged to read the information presented in the referenced website.
Another disturbing fact about Marxism is set forth in the following box:
Per second paragraph of Patrisse Cullors' interview:
"Marxism is important for Christians to understand, because it is an ideology that pushes atheism and persecutes Christians."
According to the BLM website, there are 13 guiding principles that should apply to those who choose to become involved under the BLM banner, among them are Diversity, Globalism, Empathy, Restorative justice and Intergenerationality.
BLM's chapters operate differently and tackle issues not typically focused on BLM such as education and sex work. The loose structure of BLM has contributed to confusion in the press and among activists as actions or statements from chapters or individuals that are attributed to BLM as a whole.
A broader movement has emerged involving several other organizations and activists under the banner of BLM. This includes BLM supporting movements and causes outside of police brutality such as LGBTQ activism, feminism, immigration reform, and economic justice.
In 2016, BLM and a coalition of 60 organizations affiliated with BLM called for decarceration in the United States, reparations for slavery in the U.S., an end to mass surveillance, investment in public education, not incarceration, and community control of the police: empowering residents in communities of color to hire and fire police officers and issue subpoenas, decide disciplinary consequences and exercise control over city funding of police.
In 2020, Melina Abdullah, speaking on the behalf of BLM, called for the defunding and abolition of the current police system in the U.S. and in its place a new form of law enforcement. (Note: Another example of BLM's "other" policy changes is presented in NAWWA and the Protests Are Not About Black Lives where "the mob" is making demands to defund police departments.)
In regards to strategies and tactics, BLM originally used various social media platforms - including hashtag activism - to reach thousands of people rapidly. Since then, BLM has embraced a diversity of tactics.
Per definition by Wikipedia:
"Diversity of tactics" is a phenomenon wherein a social movement makes periodic use of force for disruptive or defensive purposes, stepping beyond the limits of nonviolence, but also stopping short of total militarization. It also refers to the theory which asserts this to be the most effective strategy of civil disobedience for social change. Diversity of tactics may promote nonviolent tactics, or armed resistance, or a range of methods in between, depending on the level of repression the political movement is facing. It sometimes claims to advocate for "forms of resistance that maximize respect for life".
BLM generally engages in direct action tactics which make people uncomfortable enough that they must address the issue. BLM has been known to build power through protest and rallies. BLM has also staged die-ins and held one during the 2015 Twin Cities Marathon.
Per definition by Wikipedia:
"Direct action" originated as a political activist term for economic and political acts in which the actors use their power (e.g. economic or physical) to directly reach certain goals of interest; in contrast to those actions that appeal to others (e.g. authorities); by, for example, revealing an existing problem, using physical violence, highlighting an alternative, or demonstrating a possible solution.
According to a 2018 study, "Black Lives Matter protests are more likely to occur in localities where more black people have previously been killed by police."
Several top officials in the Trump administration have blamed the anti-fascist group, called Antifa, for taking over protests triggered by George Floyd s death. In fact, the administration previously singled out Antifa for driving the violence at the BLM protests.
A simplified definition of Antifa is presented in the following box:
"Antifa" is an unstructured, decentralized, leaderless group of far-left anti-fascist activists. The movement's name is a shortened version of the term "anti-fascist."
The above definition was derived from the article titled "What's Antifa and its role in Black Lives Matter protests?" that was published in the TRT World news. More information about this article and Antifa's role in the protests can be found at
Another source of reference about Antifa can be found on Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, at
Upon accessing the websites mentioned above, the readers can see where the aggressive characteristics of Antifa s principles, strategies and tactics are reflected in the protests being carried out by the BLM movement.
Also from the same websites, a brief summation about Antifa and implementation of its movement is as follows:
Antifa is an anti-fascist political movement in the U.S. consisting of a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both non-violent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform.
Antifa does not have any central leadership. There is no hierarchical structure or universal set of tactics that makes Antifa s presence immediately recognizable, though its members tend to advocate revolutionary and anti-authoritarian views. The movement does not have any known affiliates, but some members are known to be parts of Occupy and Black Lives Matter movements.
Antifa's political activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy against fascists and racists such as neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other far-right extremists whom they seek to combat. This may sometimes involve property damage, physical violence and harassment against those whom they identify as belonging to the far-right.
"They do different things at different times in different ways, some of which there is evidence of them breaking the law. Other times there is not," said Mark Bray, a historian at Rutgers University and author of "Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook."
The members of Antifa are also known to dress in head-to-toe black and cover their faces as they believe it helps in defending against the police.
After thoroughly researching the BLM movement, it was easy for the Founder to come to the conclusion that such movement is no longer about saving black lives from police brutality. Rather, the BLM movement is about something much bigger!
However, the Founder realizes it could still be argued that the BLM movement helps save black lives, and it does to a limited extent. But, the point the Founder is trying to make is the overall focus of the movement is no longer on this aspect of the protests.
Instead, the BLM movement is a direct attack on democracy. As such, it is also aimed at changing the core values of America. The six core values of America consist of liberty, self-government, equality, individualism, diversity, and unity. Because the core values are abstract concepts and rather difficult to define, the readers can examine not only their formal definitions but also a set of scenarios that shows what each value looks like in everyday life by accessing the article titled "America's Core Values: Liberty, Equality & Self-Government" at,individualism%2C%20diversity%2C%20and%20unity.
The Founder expects the core values of America will be changed the same way the BLM movement is presently changing things. In other words, because the BLM movement has the flexibility of advocating for "other" policy changes considered to be related to Black liberation, demands for changing any of the core values would be made under the BLM facade of saving black lives. Of course, no one would resist the changes because to do so could be considered a racist act. Then, the changes would be made to suit the preferences of the Blacks.
The method of demanding changes described in the preceding paragraph is already being implemented in the protests carried out by the BLM movement. For instance, changing or eliminating everything related to slavery and the Confederacy (i.e., parts of our American history) doesn't have anything to do with saving black lives. It's a change that suits the preferences of the Blacks. Apparently, certain authorities have made this concession to show they're not racists or, perhaps, because of their guilty consciences. In either case, it's another way for the authorities to be politically correct. Sound familiar?
It is expected the BLM movement will continue making demands for changes because it has been working for them. All of the demands are very representative of a revolutionary movement. By now, the readers should have realized the BLM movement is a revolutionary movement because it is no longer about just saving black lives. According to Wikipedia, a revolutionary movement is a specific type of social movement dedicated to carrying out a revolution. Charles Tilly defines it as "a social movement advancing exclusive competing claims to control of the state, or some segment of it". Unfortunately for America, the BLM movement is to promote Marxism.
Case in point, two of the three Co-Founders of the BLM movement proclaim they are "trained Marxists" with the third Co-Founder going along with it. For those readers who do not know, Marxism is the same as communism. It should be noted that the Communist Manifesto was published in 1848 by the German Marxist political theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It formed the basis for the modern communist movement as we know it, arguing that capitalism would inevitably self-destruct, to be replaced by socialism and ultimately communism.
From information in the interview "We are Trained Marxists," says BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors [ref:] and the history about the rise of Mao Zedong, the Chinese communist revolutionary, the readers can see the following similarities between the BLM movement and Mao's movement:
- Mao was a Marxists
- Mao was an atheist
- Mao used minority abuses to fuel his cause
- Mao appealed to the youth
- Mao inspired student and union protests
- Mao used violence and fear to accomplish his goals
- Mao destroyed statues and history books in an effort to erase history
- Mao desired to destroy the government system to replace it with a Marxist structure
The above information in itself is enough to prove that a conspiracy theory is already in effect to change America!
The "trained Marxists" are also working in collaboration with other groups which are supporting the BLM movement. All of these entities are trying to tear down America and our freedoms as we know them today. If the readers don t know anything about communism and its doctrine, then it is suggested they learn about it now!
The "trained Marxists" are demanding changes by utilizing a loose confederation of groups such as Antifa together with other resources within the BLM movement which consists of a decentralized network of activists that have no formal hierarchy. As previously reported, the loose structure of BLM has contributed to confusion in the press and among activists as actions or statements from chapters or individuals that are attributed to BLM as a whole. Also, through its unorganized and loose policies, the BLM movement is able to make virtually any claims or changes that give the Blacks preferential treatment over all the other races of people in America.
The BLM chapters operate differently and tackle issues not typically focused on just black lives. A broader movement has emerged involving several other organizations and activists under the banner of BLM. This includes BLM supporting movements and causes outside of the police brutality on Blacks and includes LGBTQ activism, feminism, immigration reform and economic justice. A coalition of 60 organizations affiliated with BLM is also calling for, just to name a few, abolishing incarceration in the U.S., investment in public education, and reparations for slavery.
Moreover, BLM's strategies and tactics for initiating change makes periodic use of force for disruptive or defensive purposes, often stepping beyond the limits of nonviolence, but also sometimes stopping short of total militarization. This is being demonstrated in essentially all of the protests. BLM also engages in direct action tactics that make people uncomfortable enough whereby they usually address the issue by giving in to the demands. BLM has been known to build power through its protest and rallies. This is because for anyone to resist the BLM movement there is the fear they would be called a racist.
So, what exactly is happening?
Based upon everything that is happening with the BLM movement and the findings presented in this Article, there is now undeniable proof that a conspiracy theory is in effect to change America into a far-left socialist society. And, as absurd as it may sound, such change could ultimately result in transforming America into a communist state.
In closing, what alarms the Founder most of all is to see the number of people who have jumped on the band-wagon to support the BLM movement - a movement they obviously don't know anything about. And, it's even more alarming to learn that the same people, including both the Blacks and the whites, have been dumbed-down so much as to join a movement that could ultimately lead them into communism which, ironically, is another form of slavery in itself.
Wake up America!